Do you need help with blocking sunlight or are in need of an additional barrier to reduce the heat coming into your space but still want a decorative window or door? A great solution is a solar screen fabric pre-installed onto your Tableaux Decorative Grille. Tableaux Decorative Grilles with solar screens is an optimal choice for any installation, residential or commercial, that is looking for good view through capabilities. Solar screens can be used in interior and exterior applications making it one of the more versatile design panels. It is constructed with Enduris glass core yarns for durability and dimensional stability.
Solar screens come in 1%, 3%, 5%, or 10% openness factor. The openness factor is the percentage of open holes in a solar shade, also known as the weave density. A shade with a high openness factor allows more solar transmittance and better view through. These also come in several different finishes to coordinate with your Tableaux Decorative grille.
To see samples of this versatile product visit our studio here in Anaheim!